Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Prog Blog: Days 8 & 9 + Itinerary for Retreat Yourself Day 1!

carrots, apples & ginger. read on...
Even though I still have a ton of work to do tonight in preparation for being out of the office for 2 days (with NO access to email-I'm leaving the blackberry at home! ok, maybe not at home but definitely in the trunk of my car. only for emergencies. don't judge i can't help it. there's a reason they call it a crackberry.) I am SO very excited for RETREAT YOURSELF!! My 2 day mini-retreat kicks off tomorrow morning, and even though it's been cloudy and drizzly here in LA (which i normally LOVE) i'm still looking forward to hitting the great outdoors in Malibu for a workout, some meditation, journaling and general fun and relaxation tomorrow!

I feel great also because the last two days since my previous blog, i've been super-strict about staying on my diet, and last night i even did 30 mins of hard-core power yoga. sidenote: i have this GREAT Body by Bethenny yoga video that I bought via iTunes, and not only do I LOVE Bethenny Frankel just in general, her yoga routine and video is amazeballs and has a lot of her wisecracks and jokes injected throughout it, which makes it even more fun! i was dripping sweat within about the first 7 minutes. maybe next time i'll get through the whole thing. but hey, I'm sore in all new places today, so it definitely worked. ha!

My mini-shelter for the retreat. 
anyhow, here's the quick rundown of tomorrow's activities (for which, by the way, i bought this awesome beach-shelter mini-tent type thing (left) and a fold-up lounger mat, so i'm going into full-on gear mode for this day trip! i know, it could be a bit excessive for a day trip, but i rationalized the purchase with the fact that it was only 40 bucks, i got free shipping (i have Amazon Prime) and...what if it rains tomorrow? i can still blog and do all of my retreat activities from the shelter of my little portable shelter. plus, c'mon, isn't it cute??)

Retreat Yourself: Day 1 Menu

Between 8-9 am - Wake up! Try to do morning TM (Transcendental Meditation
After Waking Up - Make fresh juice: carrot, apple & ginger (recipe to come tomorrow!)
10 am - check traffic to make sure the 10 freeway is clear going beach-bound
10:15ish - pack up the car and head to Paradise Cove!
10:45-11ish (hopefully) - arrive, find parking and find a spot to settle down.
Timing gets more blurry here - figure out how to set up beach shelter, do my morning TM if i didn't do it after waking up. Blog about what happens next tomorrow real-time or after the day is over in order to not over-structure my retreat :)

Check back tomorrow for a recap of Reatreat Yourself: Day 1+pics throughout the day! (you can also keep up to date on the official SundayLA facebook page, located at

peace, love & progress!

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