Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Feature Saturday: Prizes

Welcome, Saturday morning full of promise. Yet another week behind us, and a full day to prepare for dusk on the first day of the weekend to strike us with inspiration and impulsiveness. What will your weekend be filled with?

Stop, and think..

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I've decided to start giving away a prize to the winner of each week's SundayLA photo clues trail. I'm working on some exciting partnerships where the prizes will become more valuable to you all out there in cyberspace (i.e., goodies, discounts and swag related to photography, writing, events and art), but in the meantime, I can offer up something that is very near and dear to my heart: signed, numbered prints of my original photography.

When I frame artwork, I'm very particular. It has to be offset by a mat before it's ever put into a frame, and I will often get lost in the paper and test print process for hours. (I believe this to be residual from my days of working in print advertising in LA, where I got to go on press checks for huge campaigns, and I can still remember the smell of the ink on the machines and touching the various paper samples before we selected a stock to purchase. Although I turned to the digital medium soon after those days, they will never leave me and have shaped my perspective).

Thus, I will be supplying the first person to post the correct answer each week with an original print in a mat, should you chose to accept it.

Check back tomorrow (Sunday) for photo clues!

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i love hearing from you, and yes, i do really read the comments. i share, you share, we build upon our knowledge, and together, we learn! blogging on the shoulders of giants... :)