Sunday, February 13, 2011

UPDATED: THE REVEAL! A Main Squeeze: Where in LA?


Congrats to ChriAnn via Facebook for guessing that these photos were taken either of or from the intersection of 4th and Main Streets in Downtown Los Angeles. See each photo below for the geotags and links to the satellite locations.

The reason I love this location, aside from the great old buildings, is the fact that one of my favorite restaurants/bars of all time is right here. Pete's Cafe & Bar is THE local hangout if you live in downtown. I've lived here for 6 years, and I am there at least twice a week for dinner, breakfast, lunch or (usually this last one), drinks.

"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon..." As much as I love the nighttime, and would hate for the moon to ever be maimed, I couldn't help but think of Romeo's famous line as I greet you all this Sunday morning with this week's first photo clue:
Photo 1 of 3. Click here for geotag.
All of this week's photos were taken either from or are of the location itself (HINT: it's a popular intersection in the city, frequented by film shoots and locals on foot alike). Though I am not a fan of Valentine's Day, I ♥ LA, and in its honor created a piece of pop art with the next photo clue:
Photo 2 of 3. Click here for geotag.
The last photo is one of my very favorite spots in the city:
Photo 3 of 3. Click here for geotag.
Hit me with your best shot (guesses) below! Make sure to look at the post title for a clue if you are struggling, and remember that this week's winner gets a PRIZE! A signed, numbered print of the photos from this week's clues.

Come become a fan on the official SundayLA Facebook page so you can stay up-to-date with the latest news and posts!

Lastly, keep emailing me at if you want your photos featured as clues next week!

Until later...carpe diem.


  1. Is it the El Dorado building on Spring Street?


  2. ummm, i lived at 6th & spring for 10 year..1983 to 1993.. so i know this is downtown.

    i think paul is correct. the el dorado hotel

  3. no, but you are both close!! I will give you a hint that it's not spring street or 6th, however if you go just east of spring and north of 6th, you will be preeeeettttttyyyy close :)

    Also, another hint: lots of movies, including one of the recent Spiderman franchise films, were shot at the building right across the street from the pink/white building in the 3rd pic. hmmmm.....


i love hearing from you, and yes, i do really read the comments. i share, you share, we build upon our knowledge, and together, we learn! blogging on the shoulders of giants... :)