Thursday, April 26, 2012

Prog Blog: Days 1 & 2

The universe's "pillars of creation," as captured by the Hubble telescope.
soooo...i've been doing some legwork to prepare not only for Retreat Yourself days next week, but LIFEWORK to start making permanent changes in my life. And you know what? It's not all that bad...

i decided to go back on my Weight Watchers to start watching what I eat. I also worked out not once, but twice this week so far (and i'm writing this entry on Thursday night--i worked out on Monday and Tues night, so I hope to get at least one more in on Friday this week, and then on the weekend). That is actually saying a lot, considering i haven't worked out for like a year at the very least. Why, you might ask?

not because i don't have a gym membership. i have 2. (ymca downtown and gold's. both great gyms).

not because they are far. (they are both walking/biking and/or driving distance from my house AND on my way home from work).

i also have probably every fitness software and accessory made for PlayStation 3, including the Move Controller and the Eye.

it's because i've been lacking complete and total motivation! ugh. that is SO hard to deal with.

but, here's what i's really simple, actually, and it seems like a no-brainer. one day (monday, and part of last sunday night, to be exact...) i just DECIDED. I decided to do it. i decided i needed to make small changes that, together, would have a LARGE impact on my personal life. and i also realized the very important fact that if i didn't start making these changes and just continued on the path down which i was treading, it would just get worse and worse, and just "deciding" to change it would only get harder and harder.

and i've never been one to be a gonner.

and, in case you haven't read my earlier posts, i officially requested 2 days off next week and have decided to create my own retreat. i don't need some fancy hotel, spa or yoga facility to take some time to myself, get outdoors, do some juicing with my Jack Lalane power juicer (yes, i actually have one of those, and yes, it's awesome. it's just a real pain in the butt to clean every time you use it, so it's not quite so practical to use every day as one would think.)

i also decided to document my journey here on my blog because...well, because at first i was looking for the url "retreatyourself" to start a new blog just for this, but when i found out that that name as well as anything in the remote realm of that name were premium urls that people had bought and were selling for thousands of dollars, i thought to myself "hmm...if i'm making my own retreat and relying on what i already have anyway, why can't i do that with my blog? and why, then, can't i associate the normal "sunday" activities of resting and rejuvenating yourself to EVERY day of the week?" the answer?

i can. because guess what...? I am the boss of ME. and i can take charge of things that i don't like (within reason, of course. i can't exactly control the universe, right?) and i can change them.

so here i go!! check back, if you please, for my progress. i'm sure i'll stumble and fall along the way, but that's what life's all about, right? the journey.

come along!

also, just fyi, the image above is a photo that was taken with special gas-detecting telescopes, and is comprised of a few different images of the same area composed on top of one another, like a symphony. together, they are called the universe's "pillars of creation". it's where stars are born. literally, stardust gathers and stars and planets are created.

peace, love & progress.


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