Sunday, January 30, 2011

Across the Universe: Where in LA?

Photo Clue #1 of 3. Check back later for the answers and a link to this location on a satellite map!

Happy Sunday! Surely you are just rolling out of bed, wondering if it's actually worth it to get up and face the real world just for the sake of some caffeine. Only you can answer that for yourself, but I can tell you that I sure am glad I ventured out, because downtown when it rains is simply lovely (and thank goodness I ventured out yesterday morning and snapped the photos for today's blog, because lovely as the rain is, it makes most tasks at hand slightly more difficult).

Photo Clue #2 of 3. Check back later for the answers and a link to this location on a satellite map!
Photo Clue #3 of 3. Check back later for the answers and a link to this location on a satellite map!

The first photo clue above is a bit abstract and meant to set the mood (much like a Jane Austen novel but in far fewer words; homegirl took like 2 pages to describe some trees). I love the crystal clear reflection in the water and the angles in the stonework juxtaposed with the rays of the sun. The next two photo clues capture sculptures in the same area. See if you can tell me where these photos were taken, and if you know what the sculptures are!

HINT: The title of each week's blog post will always contain some sort of obscure clue as to the theme of the photographs. Think Jeopardy! clue meets blogger post titles. 

If you don't know, don't worry! Just enjoy the photos and I will post answers later today along with fun facts, links to the exact satellite map locations and some fun links if you want to visit the area.



  1. woo hoo! Jaymi, you are correct! Posting the update/answers/info blog right now, and you get a special shout-out, my friend. :) thx for playing! It's nice to have another photog join in the fun - hope you play again next week.

  2. Little Tokyo was my completely blind guess, too.


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