Saturday, January 29, 2011

The First Sunday: Spaces of LA

7th street bridge over the LA river looking north-west towards downtown (click here to view this location on a map)

Welcome to!

The Backstory. (Being that we are in LA, everything has to have a backstory)...

Since I moved to downtown Los Angeles 6 years ago, I've developed a habit (surprisingly, not a stereoptypical drugs, booze or men kind of habit which might start any other LA story). Each weekend, when the glaring honesty of Saturday morning rears its usually-sunny head (and equally, if not delightfully more lovely, on mornings after rain), I drag my tired behind to some comforting breakfast spot for 2 cups of earl gray and some chow.

More often than not, rather than noticing hungover hipsters looking like they just stepped out of an Urban Outfitters catalogue (nothing wrong with that, for the record: I love UO), I instead notice a random object, the angle of a building or the way the light hits pavement. Though I walk these same streets relentlessly, somehow I never noticed this thing before.

Usually, I have a camera with me (I almost always carry one). But at the very least, I have my trusty iPhone. Always, I take photos. I'm a serial documentarian of my life's moments; whether capturing the inspiration of each day in words, film or pictures. For me, there's no such thing as a non-photo op.

Evolution of an Idea.

Today, that weekly, private inspiration evolved into an idea. Sitting at the base of a concrete sculpture in the middle of an even more concrete jungle at 8:53 am, drinking my earl gray, I looked up at a sculpture that I never really noticed before. That is one random-ass sculpture considering where I am right now. If I didn't know where I was, I'd have a hard time guessing, I thought.


And thus was born this blog.

How it Works.

Each Sunday, I will post photos of everyday beauty that I discover in the spaces of LA (not just Downtown) and together we will make it a fun little game. Post your guesses on where you think the photo was taken, and more specifically, what it actually is. I, in return, will post a follow-up revealing the correct answer and hopefully some fun info about the place. This way, we all get to learn something and be inspired. Even if just a little.

Let my photo-booth-turned-outward experiment begin!




  2. I'm guessing you're at the science center :)

    Linda, not in Squamish, in Aus

  3. hello blog buddies! :) good to see y'all around here! so the photo in this post is actually on the 7th street bridge in downtown los angeles (you can click on the link in the caption to see a geotag/satellite map of exactly where it was taken from)!

    @TampaGranny - i have never been to Tampa, but i know that the photos weren't taken there. lol. :)

    @Linda - if you are guessing the Science Center for the other blog post, i'm going to have to say "no!" keep guessing. :) but i will reveal later tonight so check back if you are curious. it's somewhat surprising!


i love hearing from you, and yes, i do really read the comments. i share, you share, we build upon our knowledge, and together, we learn! blogging on the shoulders of giants... :)